Int’l cocoa companies to help Ghana deepen forest protection

International cocoa and confectionary companies are t support Ghana to deepen its forest protection measures, a…

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The Asante-Ewe war (1869-1872): facts, myths, ramifications

Blagodzi Agamasu While under lockdown and with the academic term over, I decided to pass the…

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Africa set to meet SDG Zero-hunger target ahead of 2030, amidst  challenges of malnutrition—FAO official

ACCRA, Oct. 16  —  At the pace of development and commitment African countries could meet the…

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Africa records progress in women empowerment, but gender-based violence persists

ACCRA, —  Through their  efforts, African countries have been recording success in  the empowerment of  women,…

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The Real Food We Eat: Accra vegetables contaminated with faeces

The Real Food We Eat: Accra vegetables contaminated with faeces By Justice Lee Adoboe Street food is…

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Valentine National Chocolate Day; an insult to the memory of Tetteh Quarshie

By Justice Lee Adoboe Former American President, Abraham Lincoln was the one who said “a nation…

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THE LAZY DISCARD, BUT THE DILIGENT RETOOL; Relevance of the National Service Scheme

By Justice Lee Adoboe Once a system has run over a period, chances are high that…

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